Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Breaking Presidential Campaign News

Fred Thompson, the Republican presidential candidate and former Tennessee senator, among other things, when asked by the Associated Press in a survey last week to name his most prized possession, answered, "Trophy Wife." Seriously.

Or, maybe not so seriously. When I first read this as a brief in the Times last week, I thought, "You have got to be kidding me. What an idiot." Apparently, much of the Internet has pondered the same, as bloggers, pundits, etc, have been trying to decipher how much of a joke it really was. I guess it's complicated -- his wife, 25 years or so his younger, is fairly attractive (see above right to form your own opinion), and this was probably filled out by his campaign staffers at least 40 years his younger while traveling on a bus somewhere in Iowa (does Thompson even do the bus-tour thing?), so maybe it was all tongue-in-throat.

But seriously: When your campaign crashes and burns three weeks after massive hype anticipating your formal announcement, and you don't campaign seriously, and you look tired all the time, and you're better known for your role on "Law and Order," and you offer no defined opinions except for general conservative niceties of lower taxes and smaller government, do you really want to tell the AP that your "trophy wife" is your most prized possession? Jeri, since you're probably not upset about all this, I hope he's a good lay and that Dick Wolf paid well.

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