Monday, March 19, 2012

Me And My New Glasses Down By The Schoolyard

For the first time in eight years, I have new glasses! (Well, it's been 12 years if you don't count the time at college that they were bent out of shape in a game of Ultimate Frisbee and accidentally broken when I brought them to a local optician for repair. The store gave me another similar pair for free. But don't tell my mother this.) In fact, I have two new pairs of glasses after going to an optician in Harvard Square that I recommend -- 241 Optical -- where each sale is a two-for-one discount. The selection isn't incredibly vast, but certainly good enough that there were many options I liked.

The new pair that I wear most frequently is certainly very different than the old pair -- large, tortoise-shell plastic frames instead of slender wire ones where the dark grey color had worn away. The second pair is somewhat of a compromise; it's more rectangular and slender, with a light brown color. People's reactions have spanned a wide range. One co-worker asked me if I had always worn glasses. One friend said it was as though my true personality had finally burst through to rest between my ears. Glasses might superficially define one's personality more than any other article of clothing (or accessory; for someone like me who's worn glasses since he was four years old, they're clothing) because they're so present and so firmly in the foreground. I suppose I wanted something hipper. Yes, that's right, faithful readers: I'm hip!

Above are the two new glasses and the old ones, in order of boldness, starting with the most ostentatious on the left. I thought it was important to include straight-on and aerial views.

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