Friday, January 28, 2011

Someone Call The Guiness Book of Records

I'm on the verge of setting a personal record for most consecutive days wearing my L.L. Bean duck boots! During the past two weeks, I've worn them all but two days, and considering the number of disgusting puddles outside, where one can't tell exactly how deep they are until stepping in the gray slushy muck, I'll wear them through the weekend. That's easily the most I've ever worn winter boots in one month.

As a city, we may threaten another record -- the greatest amount of snowfall in one winter. The Globe reports today that Boston has had 38.3 inches of snow in January, the third-snowiest January ever, and 60.3 inches so far this winter. The seasonal record is 107.6 inches, from 1995-96. (All of the official totals are recorded at Logan airport.) While shoveling out my Subaru last night from the latest storm, which was a healthy nine inches or so, and searching for places to put the snow, I thought we should go for the record. After seeing so much of it, why not shoot for something historical? It won't take too much more. We've come this far!

Eight years ago, I never would've expected that one day I'd like my duck boots well enough to wear them this often. Then again, I never would've expected they'd be so popular. Wait long enough and a fashion cycle eventually spins your way, I suppose. In fact, I've noticed them, particularly in the lighter-toned version that I own, shown above, on more women than men the past week. One of my female friends who also wears them said she found my pair slimmer than hers and suggested that maybe I had the women's version and she had the men's, and that we should trade. I'll take this a compliment.

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