Friday, August 15, 2008

Farewell, John Edwards, Part II

Is there any sleazier excuse for trying to justify an extramarital affair than "the cancer was in remission"? This sets such an unseemly precedent that it's incomprehensible to foresee now how this could develop. How about, "No, no, no, Tim. I only killed her when her arms were already pulled out of the sockets"?

I fall squarely into the camp of those who care about our politicians' private sex lives, particularly for those who are running for president. While philandering and intellectual and policy excellency are not mutually exclusive, not only do we, the voting public, hope politicians will offer some sort of moral compass, on the campaign trail, they, including Edwards, impress upon us that they are that moral compass. And then they lie about it, over and over and over again. This is a valid, profound insight into who they are as a person, including professionally.

Six months ago, when Edwards dropped out of the race, I wrote it was unclear what political future a one-term senator and twice-failed presidential candidate could have. Now the answer is most emphatically, None. Is there any office, in the U.S. or internationally, he could win? I suppose he'll just slink off to North Carolina for years (the rest of his life?) and stay on Fortress' payroll as an "adviser" to robustly supplement his trust fund from the trial-lawyer days.

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